Well, the idea is that there's a lot of useful stuff on the web, no matter if is it work related or something else.
And usually, when I need something, I just search for it. But sometimes old links became broken, or whole sites move, losing their content. And when this happens, just bookmarking the links doesn't work.
So here I am going to save what I think is useful in form of pure text and pictures. It may (and will) contain material from other blogs, articles etc. and if I take something from other people, I'll always provide the links in hope that it doesn't infringe anyone's rights.
And usually, when I need something, I just search for it. But sometimes old links became broken, or whole sites move, losing their content. And when this happens, just bookmarking the links doesn't work.
So here I am going to save what I think is useful in form of pure text and pictures. It may (and will) contain material from other blogs, articles etc. and if I take something from other people, I'll always provide the links in hope that it doesn't infringe anyone's rights.
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